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Zum deutschen Handbuch wechseln NPGeoMap

Version 2.5.84, 07.12.2017

Feature concerning loading the data into QlikView - decide which conditions have to be met in order to display any maps.
Marker order.
Feature for setting a QlikView variable for further use in any QlikView objects.

Feature for steering Map caching on server, if memory space is limited.

Features for general number presentation - number format, currency symbol, distance unit.

Features for handling faulty coordinates to help locating them and to set the format of used Marker coordinates, if they're not in WGS84.

Simplify Maps
Features for simplifying maps and to reduce their resolution, in order to optimize loading time.

Features for setting the zoom button design, the colors of selected polygons while selecting, custom Arrow styles for Lines and Paths, the background color of the object and various settings concerning MousOvers (tooltips).

Features for the user interface - display menus, buttons and touchscreen elements to optimize the interface for the user.
Feature for setting a language in NPGeoMap.
Feature for automatic allocation of Markers to their respective geographically related Polygon (markerinpolygons).

Features on selection modality - functionality (default or Toggle Mode), performance, presentation (especially of the marking drawings)

Features for setting a coordinates separator, setting a border around letters in labels on the map for better readability, setting the double click speed and a feature for automatic closing of PopUps.

Features around NPGeoMap charts - animation, design, labels,...

Feature for setting default colors for polygons, if there is no further definition as well as a so called Highlight Effect when moving the cursor over dynamic Polygons.

Radial Spheres
Feature for setting a confirmation message, when setting circles manually.

Feature for freezing the Bar height of Line Bar Charts when zooming.

Feature for a custom labeling of all Layers in the object (except the Layers Simple Marker and Simple Maps).

Set animations for objects in your app.

click to expand

click to expand


The values for nearly all features may be entered as calculated formulas or variables.

For detailed information about notation in this dialogs go to chapter The fx‑editor.







This setting allows to enable the entire NPGeoMap object or to control the data loading.



 object enabled, data is loading (default)


 object disabled, no data is loaded

Here you can set a condition that must be met in order to activate the NPGeoMap object and load the data or not.
If not, the content of loaddatamessage (see below) appears in the object.

Before a map is loaded, one product group has to be selected. As long as nothing is selected, the message "Please select a product group" is shown in the object.



 content shown in the NPGeoMap object, if loaddata is false

If loaddata is set to false, the content defined in this feature will be shown in the NPGeoMap object. The content can be edited with HTML.



QlikView Expression by wich the marker table should be sorted.

Changes the sort / order of the marker table.
Here you can control which markers are drawn first or last. If markers are superimposed, the order can ensure that the relevant marker is last drawn and therefore visibly displayed above the less relevant markers.

Use a QlikView expression, such as: sum (SALES) to display the low-markers over the high-mark markers.

If the order is to be sorted descending, add * -1 to the formula: sum (SALES) * -1

The formula must be entered as text, example: "ordermarkerepression": "sum (SALES)"

PopUp Variables

Feature for setting QlikView variables for further use in QlikView objects. The variables are filled with a click on an object or a legend segment in NPGeoMap with the respective values.
It is used to display any QlikView visualizations in NPGeoMap PopUps or to reduce the data in QlikView objects with a simple click on the map (without taking actual selections).


Below three variables can be defined each for Markers, Polygons and Lines/Paths.
By clicking on an object in NPGeoMap the variable is filled with the respective dimension value. (For example clicking on a Marker fills the variable with it's dimension vaule.)
When clicking on a Radial Sphere or an Isochrone, all values of the Markers or Polygons within this Sphere will be written in the variable. The same goes with clicking on a Legend segment (due to QlikView this option is limited to 20,000 values).

Example Polygon:
The map shows the US states and their names are set as Polygon dimension.
A click on the state Texas for example now fills the variable with its ID "Texas". Now configured QlikView visualizations are reduced to the value "Texas".
If additionally a PopUp is set for this map with the feature "qvchart", the QlikView visualization in the opened PopUp as well is reduced to "Texas".

Example Legend:
The map from above is now dynamically colored by using Classes, for example from good to bad sales with green-yellow-red.
Now a click on the green segment in the legend fills the variable with the dimension values from all green Polygons, like "Texas, California, New York, Florida".

A simple click on an object is the trigger for filling the variable.

Basically this feature is enabled as soon as the variables are set in the QlikView application as well.

Make sure to press  F5  for a refresh after setting the variables, in order to let the changes take effect.

The best is to use aggregation formulas for limiting the displayed values within QlikView expressions:

Sum({<ID = {$(#NPG_MarkerValues)}>} sales)

This Example sums up all "sales", where the ID contains the values from the element list of the variable NPG_MarkerValues.

You can find more information about this formula in the QlikView Manual in chapter "Set Analysis".

In this way QlikView charts and visualizations can be steered by NPGeoMap and displayed in its PopUps.



name for the Marker variable (default is NPG_MarkerValues)

Name for the variables.
Note that the same notation has to be used when setting the variable in QlikView.
By clicking on a dynamic object, the variables will be filled with the respective dimension value.
That contains the following:

Markers, Marker Images and Image Charts, Circle Clustermarker, Radial Spheres and Marker Legend segments

Polygons, Polygon Images and Image Charts, Hexagons, LineBarCharts and Polygon or Hexagon Legend segments

Lines, Great Circles, Arrows and Path sections



name for the Polygon variable (default is NPG_PolygonValue)



 name for the Line and Path variable (default is NPG_LineValue)





 custom map file path

This feature allows to store map files in a customized place, even on an external server. Map files in NPGeoMap are loaded from the path you set here.
The default map path is "\Extensions\maps".
If you use an external server, make sure CORS is set correctly.







Maps are not saved


Maps are saved - better performance (default)

By default NPGeoMap works with a system that caches the Maps (used in the object) and saves it inside the browser memory. This increases the performance a lot, especially when big map data is used.
In case the browser memory on your server is limited and quite small, you may turn off the caching here to save the memory space.



maximum duration of keeping maps in cache in days (default is 0)

This setting may restrict the one above to a specified duration.
After a defined amount of days the Cache will be cleared automatically and all required Maps will be reloaded.
If you set it to "0 days", the cache will never be cleared automatically. This means for example if new Map files are available, they should be renamed (versioned) or you have to clear the map cache manually.




General format settings for calculated numbers in NPGeoMap such as the displayed numbers in the legend, in selection areas or distance information.
Only distance information on Lines and Paths is overwritten in the fx‑EXTENDED MAP SETTINGS with the feature unitsFactor due to historical circumstances.



basically used currency symbol (default is the Euro sign "€")

Defines the basically used currency symbol in NPGeoMap.
Especially for the presentation of numbers in the legend there's a specific setting in the fx‑editor COLOR & SIZE CLASSES which overwrites the setting in this feature.



basically used number format (default ist 0,0.00)

Configures the general format and notation of calculated numbers in NPGeoMap such as numbers in the legend, in selection areas or distance information.
The following tools and variables are available:

 comma            ,  =  thousand separator
 period           .  =  decimal separator

 dollar sign      $  =  currency symbol
 percentage sing  %  =  converts number values in percent
                        and display a percentage sign
 abbreviation     a  =  number abbreviations like "Mio", "Tsd" etc.

In Addition space characters and other symbols can be used directly.

Example (Screenshot on the right):

 "numbers": "$ 0,0",

Further examples:

INPUT     "numbers":    OUTPUT  _

 1500.25   "0,0.00"      1.500,25

 1500.25   "0"           1500

 1500.25   "0,0.000"     1.500,250

 1500.25   "$ 0,0.00"    € 1.500,25

 0.9       "0,0.00 %"    90,00 %

 0.9       "0,0%"        90%

The used characters for the thousand and the decimal speparator are assumed from the settings in the QlikView Skript.
Which currency symbol should be basically used in NPGeoMap is configurable in the setting above. Especially for the numbers in the legend, this can be overwritten in a specific setting currencysymbol in the fx‑editor COLOR & SIZE CLASSES.

click to expand

click to expand



use metric units in NPGeoMap (default)


use miles and feet in NPGeoMap

Defines the basically used unit system for calculated numbers (like the displayed numbers in the legend, in selection areas or distance information) in NPGeoMap:

 1 = use metric system (default)

    meters, kilometers

 0 = US/UK system (United States customary units/Imperial units)

    miles, feet

Only distance information on Lines and Paths is overwritten in the fx‑EXTENDED MAP SETTINGS with the feature unitsFactor due to historical circumstances.

click to expand

click to expand

click to expand

click to expand







faulty coordinates won't be displayed (default)


faulty coordinates will be displayed at zero

Faulty Marker coordinates just won't be displayed by default. They are faulty, if either the latitude or the longitude is missing or even both.
With this feature you can activate them to be displayed as well. The Marker coordinates will then appear exactly at zero - this is the point on earth, where the Greenwich meridian and the equator meet (located somewhere near the west African coast).

Therefore all faulty Marker coordinates can be located easily. Since PopUps automatically sum up Markers that are located exactly at the same point, you can enable them in the settings and then just read out which Markers are affected.



"Proj4" code of used Marker coordinates format

If the Marker coordinates are not in WGS84 format, the actual format can be used by setting the so called "Proj4" code (of respective map projection) here.
In this way the Marker coordinates can be used directly in the NPGeoMap object.
(This setting takes no effect on Path coordinates.)

Marker coordinates are provided in the Lambert format "EPSG:2204"
The Proj4 code can be determined via spatialreference.org (see screenshot) and set in this feature like:

"proj4definition": "+proj=lcc +lat_1=35.25 +lat_2=36.41666666666666 +lat_0=34.66666666666666 +lon_0=-86 +x_0=609601.2192024384 +y_0=30480.06096012192 +ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD27 +to_meter=0.3048006096012192 +no_defs"


click to expand

click to expand

Learn more about Proj4 on the Internet.




Features for simplifying maps and to reduce their resolution, in order to optimize loading time.



 feature enabled, maps can be simplified (default)


 feature disabled

By enabling this feature it is possible to simplify the maps/polygons used in NPGeoMap.
Simplifying means that individual coordinate points are skipped. Therefore the map data is reduced, which has a positive effect on loading times.
You can achieve higher simplify quality by using the free NPGeoMapMaker Wizard or the professional NPMapMaker to convert maps (ask for more details at www.npgeomap.com).

This feature is related to the Resolution in the menu group Dynamic Map Layer or the same in Static Map Layer. By enabling SimplifyMaps the Resolution tool is enabled as well (if disabled you can still fill in values, but is has no effect on the programm).



 currently only type 0 is available

The filled in type defines the method of evaluating which coordinate points can be deleted and which not.
Currently only type 0 is available, which stands for the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
See details at wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas-Peucker-Algorithmus.



 maximum distance between two coordinate points (default is 5000)

This feature defines the maximum distance between two coordinate points - the unit depends on the data source.
It is related to the Resolution in the menu group Dynamic Map Layer or the same in Static Map Layer. Here you fill in the upper limit of reduction and the resolution value determines in percent how much of this limit is applied.

The tolerance is set to 2000 and the the Resolution to 50. In this case the maximum distance is 1000, which means that no point generating a distance over 1000 between the remaining ones may be deleted.







Background color in the object (standard is white)

Defines the background color in the NPGeoMap object.



 zoom buttons are displayed in style gray (default)


 zoom buttons are displayed in style blue


 zoom buttons are displayed in style dark

This feature defines the style of the zoom buttons.
Currently they are displayed as follows:




graphical vector coordinates for Line Arrow style (default is [0,10, 10,10, 5,0, 0,10])

This feature allows to change the predefined Arrow style, displayed on Lines and Paths.

Use [x,y] coordinates, separated by comma, to draw the shape. Axis x goes from left to right and y from top to bottom. For example [0,0, 10,0] draws a straight line from left to right 10 units long.

Enter the vector coordinates in relative proportion. The actual size of the Arrow is still defined with ArrowSize in the Arrow Settings (inside Dynamic Marker Settings).
The coordinates have to be enclosed by square brackets and without quotes.

Example default Arrow:

"linearrowstyle": [0,10, 10,10, 5,0, 0,10],

Example slim Arrow:

"linearrowstyle": [0,8, 5,0, 10,8, 5,2],

default Arrow:

click to expand

click to expand

slim Arrow:

click to expand

click to expand

Create a offset for the Arrow
To shift the Arrow along the Line and in this way create an offset, draw a straight line before or after the Arrow. This makes it possible to display the Arrow tip exactly at the beginning or the end of the Line.

Example Arrow with offset (image below):

"linearrowstyle": [3,0,3,6,0,12,3,7,6,12,3,6],

click to expand

click to expand

Background info:
Imagine the drawing inside a "container" (green in the image). Now keep in mind, that the actual Arrow, i.e. the "container", is always displayed centered on the line end. So if you want to display the tip of the Arrow exactly over line end, add a straight line to your drawing in the same height as the Arrow itself. As this line has no "width", it won't be visible and the Arrow tip will be centered perfectly.
The orange dotted line in the image symbolizes the relative orientation from the drawn Arrow to the Line inside the coordinate system.



 color of marked Polygons during selection (default is lightgrey)

This color is used as fill color for marked Polygons while making a selection - this means before you release the control key or confirm in touchscreen menu with the green OK button, selected Polygons are marked with this color. When selection is done, they turn back to their original color.
The feature is meant to use in case if your original color is the same as the selectedpolygoncolor.

When setting colors you can use Hex-Codes, HTML color names or RGB
Example: color red = #FF0000 or red or RGB(255, 0, 0)
(Detailed information in chapter The fx‑editor)



color of marked Markers/Endmarkers and Radial Spheres during selection (default is grey)

The same as above applies here for Markers, Endmarkers and Radial Spheres - in other words for all items built on a single coordinate.

When setting colors you can use Hex-Codes, HTML color names or RGB
Example: color red = #FF0000 or red or RGB(255, 0, 0)
(Detailed information in chapter The fx‑editor)


MouseOvers or Tooltips are small fields with short information which appear when the cursor hovers over a dynamic object in the map.



delay of MouseOvers in milliseconds (default is 400)

Defines a delay of displaying MouseOvers (Tooltips).
That means MouseOvers won't be displayed in the moment when the cursor hovers over a dynamic object, but it appears until the cursor rests a here defined time on the object. It prevents annoying and unintentional flare-up of MouseOvers when working in the map.
"showdelay": 0,     000_arrow no delay - the MouseOver will appear immediately
"showdelay": 400,   000_arrow  MouseOver will appear when cursor stays for 400 milliseconds (0.4 sec) on the object



duration of MouseOvers in milliseconds (default is 5000)

Defines the duration the MouseOver (Tooltip) is displayed.
As long as the cursor doesn't move the MouseOver will be displayed for the here set time. MouseOvers always disappear when the cursor moves.
"hidedelay": 1000   000_arrow MouseOver will be displayed for 1000 milliseconds (1 sec)
"hidedelay": 5000   000_arrow  MouseOver will be displayed for 5000 milliseconds (5 sec)




In this section are various settings for optimizing the user interface, like configuring the menu bar, the touchscreen menu, the selection menue or other operating elements. Furthermore there's a setting for the language in NPGeoMap and a special button which can automatically allocate Markers to their respective geographically related Polygon.

All menu items can be combined arbitrarily. Only "active" (the menu bar) and "touchscreenmenu" have a either-or relation, whereby the second one has priority.
Read details about the user interface itself and its functionalities in chapter User Interface.

click to expand

click to expand



 menu bar enabled (default)


 menu bar disabled

Displays the Menu Bar.
This setting has a either-or relation to the Touchscreen Menu (see feature below) - only one of them can be displayed. The second one has priority - if both are on status enabled the Touchscreen Menu will be displayed.

click to expand

click to expand



 touchscreen menu enabled (default if a mobile device is detected)


 touchscreen menu disabled (default)

Displays the Touchscreen Menu.
If a mobile device is detected, the touchscreen menu is enabled automatically (as well as the regular menu bar is disabled). It makes the handling easier when using fingers instead of a mouse cursor.
This setting allows to turn it on or off, no matter what device is used. Of course the touchscreen menu can be operated with a mouse as well.
Furthermore the setting has a either-or relation to the Menu Bar (see feature above) - only one of them can be displayed. This one one has priority - if both are on status enabled the Touchscreen Menu will be displayed.

click to expand

click to expand



Layerswitcher enabled (default)


Layerswitcher disabled

Displays the Layerswitcher.
This button allows a very easy "turn on/off" of all configured layers in the object like the Markers, Maps, Lines, Background, ... Just tick or untick them as you need.
Unticking layers don't mean they're disabled - they are simply not visible. If a layer is actually not needed, disable it in the properties menu for better performance.

Further below in this dialog a custom name can be configured for each layer. This name will be displayed in the Layerswitcher.

click to expand

click to expand

click to expand

click to expand



 zoom buttons enabled (default)


 zoom buttons disabled

Displays the Zoom Buttons.

click to expand

click to expand



 help button enabled (default)


 help button disabled

Displays the Help Button.
The button relays to a special User Manual, which describes only the user interface and all the shortcuts for zooming and selecting.
(You can find the same information in chapter User Interface.)

click to expand

click to expand



 offline PDF help


 online WEB help

When clicking on the Help-Button either a website (online manual) or a Pdf document (offline manual) will be opened.




 Animation Menu Bar enabled, when Animation is set (default)


 Animation Menu Bar never visible

Displays the Animation Menu Bar.
The "Playbar" steers the Animations (if set and enabled further below) to reset, start, pause, stop and to repeat/loop the animation (from left to right):


click to expand

click to expand



Selection Menu and Selection enabled (default when selectable items are configured in the object)


Selection Menu and Selection disabled

Displays the Selection Menu and

enables or disables the Selection itself.

The Selection Menu and the Selection are enabled by default, but the menu only appears when selectable (dynamic) items and layers are configured in the object.
If you disable this feature, dynamic objects can't be selected anymore, not even with keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl for single selection, Ctrl+Shift for multi selection).

General details about selecting in NPGeoMap see chapter User Interface.

click to expand

click to expand



toggle selection flip switch enabled


toggle selection flip switch disabled (default)

Displays a flip switch beneath the selection menu, to switch between default selection mode and toggle selection mode.

oToggle selection - same selection dynamics as in Qlik Sense:
Objects are added to or removed from the selection like turning them on or off. If objects are marked, which haven't been selected yet, they will be added to the current selection. If objects are marked, which are already part of the current selection, they will be removed from it.
As always, selecting the last remaining object again clears the selection (this applies for both selection modes).

oDefault selection - same selection dynamics as in QlikView:
Marked objects are selected, all others not.

Using this flip switch overwrites the configurations in the feature togglemode further below.
This feature allows the end user to change the selection mode directly in the object. The related feature togglemode is a developer tool to basically set a selection mode.
To see which of the two modes is active in the object, even if the flip switch isn't displayed, the green OK button changes and shows a small plus sign in toggle mode (see screenshot).

click to expand

click to expand



Button enabled


Button disabled (default)

This button enables a feature for automatic allocation of Markers to their respective geographically related Polygon.
When clicking on the button, the system checks for each Polygon which Markers are located on them and lists them in a text file ".txt" when finished. Markers that possibly don't fit to any Polygon are listed at the end of the file with the attribution "unknown". Save the file and load it in the QlikView script to link the Markers with Polygons in your App.

In this way Markers and Polygons on a map can be connected just because of their geography.

To defines if a Marker on two or more overlapping Polygons is assigned uniquely to one Polygon or to each of them, see the feature markerinpolygonsuniqueassign further below.

click to expand

click to expand



used language in NPGeoMap - if not set, the automatically determined language will be used

Setting of the used language in NPGeoMap - if not set, the automatically determined language will be used.
In general the NPGeoMap object always has the same language setting as defined in QlikView Desktop, including linked manuals and websites.
Since QlikView Server (Access Point) only operate in English, you can overwrite the language concerning NPGeoMap manually in this feature. You can do this by filling in the name of the language.
If nothing is filled in here, the language again will be determined automatically, based on QlikView settings.

"language": "" - language will be determined automatically
"language": "english" - for this NPGeoMap object the language English will be used

Make sure to press  F5  for a refresh after setting this feature, in order to let the changes take effect.




Settings concerning features for performance and presentation of selecting and marking (selection drawings) in NPGeoMap.
See details about the difference between selecting and marking in chapter Selection Menu.


QV-listbox ID

ID of the QlikView Listbox containing the Dynamic Marker Dimension

empty value

feature disabled (default)

This feature changes the way the selection works and causes a huge performance benefit.
Just add a Listbox with your Marker Dimension in the same QlikView document and set its ID here. This Listbox doesn't have to be on the same sheet as the NPGeoMap object. The performance benefit will occur from about 1000 selected Markers (out of any number of Markers) - no matter if they are displayed with Cluster, a Heatmap or just as themselves.
selecting 1,000 Markers out of 10,000 - Performance benefit!
selecting 100,000 Markers out of 150,000 - Performance benefit!
selecting 100 Markers out of 150,000 - no perceptible difference

Technical background: When using this feature, the selection won't be made by NPGeoMap but by the QlikView Listbox. NPGeoMap just determines due to the marking (the selection drawings) which items are to be selected and transfers the information to the QlikView Listbox, which actually selects them. From a certain number of selected items on a Listbox can do this a lot faster than any Extension.

000_warning Attention: If Toggle Selection Mode is enabled QlikView refers only 300 values/records! (Use regular selection mode when more is needed.)

click to expand

click to expand


QV-listbox ID

ID of the QlikView Listbox containing the Dynamic Map/Polygon Dimension

empty value

feature disabled (default)

This feature changes the way the selection works and causes a huge performance benefit.
Just add a Listbox with your Polygon (Map) Dimension in the same QlikView document and set its ID here. This Listbox doesn't have to be on the same sheet as the NPGeoMap object. The performance benefit will occur from about 1000 selected Polygons (out of any number of Polygons).
selecting 1,000 Markers out of 10,000 - Performance benefit!
selecting 100,000 Markers out of 150,000 - Performance benefit!
selecting 100 Markers out of 150,000 - no perceptible difference

Technical background: When using this feature, the selection won't be made by NPGeoMap but by the QlikView Listbox. NPGeoMap just determines due to the marking (the selection drawings) which items are to be selected and transfers the information to the QlikView Listbox, which actually selects them. From a certain number of selected items on a Listbox can do this a lot faster than any Extension.

000_warning Attention: If Toggle Selection Mode is enabled QlikView refers only 300 values/records! (Use regular selection mode when more is needed.)

click to expand

click to expand



infobox displayed when drawing (default)


infobox not displayed

Enables or disables a infobox while drawing the marking for a selection.
When a mouse is used the box appears in the lower right corner, on touchscreen devices in the upper corner for a better visibility when working with fingers.
It shows the measures of the drawing and appears while dragging:

rectangle: width, height, area
circle: radius
lasso and freehand: area

000_pinTip: There's a CSS file "info.css" located in the NPGeoMap Extension directory (subfolder "css"), which can be customized to define the default presentation of PopUps, MouseOver and SketchBoxes.
(If you configure this file make sure to save a backup, when installing an NPGeoMap update - the actual file will probably be replaced.)

click to expand

click to expand



info displayed in marking drawings (default)


info not displayed

Enables or disables the information displayed in the drawn marking.
It shows the measures of the drawing:

rectangle: width, height, area
circle: radius
lasso and freehand: area

000_pinTip: There's a CSS file "info.css" located in the NPGeoMap Extension directory (subfolder "css"), which can be customized to define the default presentation of PopUps, MouseOver and SketchBoxes.
(If you configure this file make sure to save a backup, when installing an NPGeoMap update - the actual file will probably be replaced.)

click to expand

click to expand



fill color of marking drawings (default is #242323)

Defines the fill color of the markings (selection drawings).

000_pinTip: There's a CSS file "info.css" located in the NPGeoMap Extension directory (subfolder "css"), which can be customized to define the default presentation of PopUps, MouseOver and SketchBoxes.
(If you configure this file make sure to save a backup, when installing an NPGeoMap update - the actual file will probably be replaced.)

click to expand

click to expand



toggle selection mode enabled


toggle selection mode disabled (default)

Activates toggle selection mode.

oToggle selection - same selection dynamics as in Qlik Sense:
Objects are added to or removed from the selection like turning them on or off. If objects are marked, which haven't been selected yet, they will be added to the current selection. If objects are marked, which are already part of the current selection, they will be removed from it.
As always, selecting the last remaining object again clears the selection (this applies for both selection modes).

oDefault selection - same selection dynamics as in QlikView:
Marked objects are selected, all others not.

Further above there's a related feature toggleselection to display a flip switch in the object, which allows the end user to switch dynamically between default and toggle selection. Using the flip switch overwrites the configurations in this feature.
To see which of the two modes is active in the object even if the flip switch isn't displayed, the green OK button changes and shows a small plus sign in toggle mode (see screenshot).

click to expand

click to expand







Polygon separator of coordinates in source files (default is #)

This feature informs the system which character is used as Polygon separator in the source files of the coordinates.
The separator is needed if there are several Polygons in one data set, for instance a country with islands or so called doughnut Polygons with "holes" in it.



 color for the outlines of labels (default is white)


 no outline for labels

This feature renders a outline for labels. It increases the contrast and improves the readability of labels on the map.

When setting colors you can use Hex-Codes, HTML color names or RGB
Example: color red = #FF0000 or red or RGB(255, 0, 0)
(Detailed information in chapter The fx‑editor)


left side - white outline,
right side - no outline



double click speed in milliseconds (default is 400)

Defines the maximum allowed time between two single clicks considered as a double click.
Of course the same is true for a double tap with fingers on a touchscreen device. (Windows default would be 255.)

A double click in the background of the map zooms in one level and a double click on a dynamic item (Marker, Lines, Spheres, etc.) triggers a instant single selection.



PopUps will be closed automatically (default)


Several PopUps can be open at the same time

This Feature will close PopUps automatically.

If a PopUp is opened, while another one is already open, the previous one will be closed automatically.
Disabling this feature allows to open several PopUps at the same time. They have to be closed manually then, either individually (by clicking "x" in the upper right corner of the PopUp or another click on the respective item) or all PopUps at once by causing a Refresh (e.g. by pressing "F5" or trigger a selection).

Only exception is the use of PopUps with dynamic Charts (see popupvariables) as they're related to their respective item. Therefore PopUps with Charts always use autoclose - but it's possible to additionally open PopUps without Chart content, when this feature is disabled.



Type of map behavior after closing a PopUp (default is 0)

This setting steers the behavior of the map view, after closing a PopUp (with "x").
The reason for this feature is the movement that possibly happens, if a very big PopUp or one near the edge is opened - the map would be shifted automatically for an optimum view.
These are the available types of behavior:

type 0 = no shifting or panning at all

type 1 = map shifts back to the previous position (before the PopUp was opened)

type 2 = map zooms and shifts back to starting position (like a refresh)

If the PopUp isn't closed with the "x" in the upper right corner, but with clicking again on the respective object, no movement will happen. And if instead of closing the open PopUp another one is opened (what causes a closing of the currently open PopUp - see feature "popupautoclose" above), a movement only happens, when the new one is again very big or near the edge.
All in all, this feature takes only effect, when the PopUp is closed with the "x".



Marker is assigned to all overlapping Polygons beneath


Marker is assigned to only one unique Polygon (default)

Belongs to the Menu Button markerinpolygons (further above).
Defines if a Marker on two or more overlapping Polygons is assigned uniquely to one Polygon or to each of them.




This section is for basic chart settings. You can configure NPGeoMap Charts for Dynamic MarkersEndmarkers and Dynamic Maps
The screenshot displays the related part of the code in the fx‑editor.

click to expand

click to expand



feature disabled (default)


feature enabled

Only for PopUp Charts:
Basically it is not possible to print maps with opened PopUps. Therefore this feature enables a special button 000_PopUpMenu directly in the PopUp, which allows to export the PopUp content to a PNG or JPG file.

click to expand

click to expand



animation disabled


animation enabled (default)

Only for PopUp Charts:
This feature animates the rendering of the Chart when the PopUp is opened.



duration of the animation in milliseconds, number from 0 to 5000 (default is 800)

Only for PopUp Charts:
Defines the duration of the animation enabled with the feature above. The unit is milliseconds.



no gloss effect on bar charts (default)


gloss effect on bar charts

Only for Bar Charts:
This feature enables the so called Bevel property. It displays a kind of 3D gloss on the bars. The screenshot on the right shows two bars, the upper one without gloss and and the lower one with this effect.


label settings

The following settings affect the markings directly in the charts - the lettering along the axes with bar charts and the ones pointing at the pie chart pieces. The label above the chart is the title and can be edited with HTML in the fx‑editor dialogs.

click to expand

click to expand



label font color (default is grey)

Label font color.

When setting colors you can use Hex-Codes, HTML color names or RGB
Example: color red = #FF0000 or red or RGB(255, 0, 0)
(Detailed information in chapter The fx‑editor)



label font size in pixel (default is 14)

Label font size in pixel.



label angle in degrees, number from -90 to 90 (default is -30)

Label angle:




editable default colors for chart elements, default is:

If there are no specified color settings for the chart elements, the ones set in this feature will be used.
You can remove, change or add as many colors as you want. The colors will be displayed in a loop and in the same order as they are set here.
This feature is a good opportunity to implement corporate identity colors of your company.

When setting colors you can use Hex-Codes, HTML color names or RGB
Example: color red = #FF0000 or red or RGB(255, 0, 0)
(Detailed information in chapter The fx‑editor)











Default colors for dynamic Polygons.



 editable default colors for dynamic polygons, default is:

If there are no specified color settings for Polygons in Dynamic Maps or Simple Maps, like Color-Mix (QlikView formula), Choropleth or other dynamic color settings, the colors set in this feature will be used.
You can remove, change or add as many colors as you want. The colors will be displayed in a loop and in the same order as they are set here (the order of polygons on the map is the way they are loaded from the script).

When setting colors you can use Hex-Codes, HTML color names or RGB
Example: color red = #FF0000 or red or RGB(255, 0, 0)
(Detailed information in chapter The fx‑editor)







highlights disabled (default)


highlights enabled



color for highlight effect (default is #4679BD)

Enables or disables an effect which highlights dynamic Polygons when the cursor hovers on them.
Beside Polygons, Line Bar Charts and Hexagons respond to that feature as well (because technically they are also Polygons).
This is especially very useful when Legends are configured - if the cursor hovers on a Legend segment, all Polygons referring to that segment are highlighted.

click to expand

click to expand

In case the color of the highlight is to similar to the object color (or the same), the highlight color can be set as well - even to get a better contrast.

When setting colors you can use Hex-Codes, HTML color names or RGB
Example: color red = #FF0000 or red or RGB(255, 0, 0)
(Detailed information in chapter The fx‑editor)




Expert setting for Radial Spheres.



no message (default)


message will appear

This feature can show a message every time a Radial Sphere is added manually to the map. The message "Add Radial Sphere at this point?" helps to prevent the accidental adding of circles.
To enable a menu that allows adding circles manually go to fx‑RADIAL SPHERES SETTINGS.




Expert setting for Line Bar Charts.



feature disabled (default)


zoom level

When Line Bar Charts are configured, this feature changes the way the Bars respond when zooming.
By default the height of the bars in measured in meter, which means that the bars change their size "optically" when zooming, because meters are an absolut geographically value. From the zoom level set in this feature on, the measurement is transferred to pixel - a relative value - and the Bars keep their "optical" size.
Zoom level 10 is set in this feature.
From zoom level 0 (whole world is visible) up to zoom level 10 the Bars have fixed geographical points (coordinates) and change their "optical" size when zooming, just like Polygons or Maps do.
In zoom level 10 or higher the height of the Bars (in zoom level 10) is converted to pixel and the Bars keep their "optical" size when zooming further in.

This guarantees optimal visibility of the Line Bar Charts in every zoom level.




Custom layer names.



custom names for the layers,
default values:

Dynamic Marker
Start Marker
End Marker
Circle Cluster
Hexagon Cluster

Dynamic Map

Static Marker

Static Map

Lines (intersect)
Paths (enclose)
Line Bar Charts

Heat Map


Images and Charts

All layers in the object can be given custom names.
For the Simple Marker layer and the Simple Map layer there's a feature "caption" directly in their fx‑editor, all other layers can be renamed here.
Reason for the separation is to enable specific captions for each simple block.
The here set names will be displayed in the Layerswitcher, the Legend and the Selection Menu.

See details about the distinction of "Lines (intersect)" and "Paths (enclose)" in the selection hints.

click to expand

click to expand




animation off (default)


manual animation


automatic animation


automatic animation, only once



kind of animation effect for these objects



duration of animation in milliseconds for these objects



static objects and hexagons will be animated all at once


static objects and hexagons will be animated one after another in an automatic order (as they come from QlikView)

Objects in NPGeoMap can be animated.
You can define

owhich Objects are animated and which are not,
(here in the Expert Settings)

oin which way they are animated
(here in the Expert Settings)

oand in which order.
(in the respective Markers and Maps Settings)

click to animate

click to expand and animate

Once set, you can control/steer the animation with the Animation Menu, to reset, start, pause, stop and to repeat/loop the animation (from left to right). Further above in the section "menu" you may turn it off/hide it as well.


In the feature "AnimID" in Dynamic Markers, Dynamic Endmarkers, Lines and Dynamic Maps an ID can be set to configure the order in which objects are animated.

With setting the animation to "1=manual" the animation only starts if you click on the play button.
Setting it to "2=auto" the animation will start automatically, that means as soon as the NPGeoMap App is opened or refreshed and after every selection you take.
The last status "3" is automatic as well, but it only starts the animation once at the beginning (when the object is loaded).

The settings type and duration are listed for every object group in the dialog:
The type defines the kind of effect of the animation - see available effects further below.

The duration is given in milliseconds. If several objects in one group/layer have different animation IDs (i.e. are animated one after another), the duration time set here applys to every object, instead of splitting the time up.
Example: The duration is set to 500 milliseconds for 3 Markers with different animation IDs.
Result: The first marker is animated within 500ms, then the second one is animated within 500ms and the third one again is animated within 500ms. So the whole animation of the Markers lasts 1.5 seconds.

For static objects and Hexagons there's an additional setting animatepartial: As there's no possibility to give static objects a dynamic ID, this feature enabled can animate the single parts of a static layer (for example the Polygons of a Map) anyway, but in an automatic order (in particular like it's delivered by QlikView).

Object groups/layers to animate:

     marker - set order


     endmarker - set order



     lines - set order



     dynamicmap - set order



*The Notes for Dynamic Markers, Dynamic Endmarkers and Dynamic Maps may be animated with a different effect and duration as their belonging Markers and Polygons, but as they belong to the same object, not separately. So the order of animation can only be set for Dynamic Markers, Dynamic Endmarkers and Dynamic Maps themselves - the animation of their respective Notes will start at the same time.


Effects - Animation Types:

type = 1

type = 2

type = 3


fade in

fly in

scale in

show animation

click to expand and animate


show animation

click to expand and animate

show animation

click to expand and animate

type = 4

type = 5

type = 6


scale in 360

follow path (only for Lines and Paths)

show animation

click to expand and animate

show animation

click to expand and animate

show animation

click to expand and animate