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Version 2.50.84, 07.12.2017

wrapDateLine, showScaleLine and unitsFactor
Features for background maps - wrapping the map, show a scale on the map and set a general unit.

Tileserver Provider - GoogleMaps, BingMaps, MapBox, HERE
Authorization and other map settings concerning Background Map Providers, as well as setting parameters for Isochrones (provided from HERE).

Setting other/own tile (server) maps.

Setting boundaries on the map, where it's not possible to pan or zoom out (especially for limited tile maps).

click to expand

click to expand


The values for nearly all features may be entered as calculated formulas or variables.

For detailed information about the notation in expression editors go to chapter The fx‑editor.







 map will be wrapped (default)


 map won't be wrapped

"Wraps" the background map (like GoogleMaps or BingMaps) along the date line - that means the map will be repeated east- and westwards so the map can be panned endlessly. Even without a background map, every layer (with Markers, Lines or Polygons on it) will be repeated too, but the items are shown only once at a time, depending on which map/"site" the bigger part of each item is positioned.

This feature is very helpful for orientation, when you work in a area near the date line. For example to switch from Canada to Japan you only have to pan slightly to the left instead of "crossing" whole Europe until you get to the "other end" on the right.

The following applies only if a background map or tiles are used:
Activating this feature "wrapDateLine" and a background map affects the automatic zoom. While wrapping, background maps don't permit a zoom level in which any point on the map is shown twice. That means for example it wouldn't be possible to zoom out of the map that far, that you can see Tokio on the right side on the map as well as on the left side in repetition. In case the width of the NPGeoMap object would require this, the zoom automatically jumps to the next level to avoid the repetition.

The following table shows the optimal object measures where the entire background map can be displayed and no gray edges (above and below) are visible:

The green line in the screenshots below symbolizes the date line.


wrapDateLine = true
Asia and Australia are repeated on the left.

click to expand

click to expand


wrapDateLine = false

Beyond the map only the white background is shown.

click to expand

click to expand


click to expand

click to expand

Reason for these measures is the default image size of the Tiles, background maps exist of - see screenshot above. They are always 256x256 Pixel in size. If you add the border of the object and the height of the menu bar (43px) you get the numbers in the table.
Furthermore note the feature WorldView in Basic Settings 000_arrow Zoom Layer.

Google Maps has the special feature to wrap the map, even if wrapDateLine is false, as a kind of buffer. However the extensions aren't dynamic and no item would be repeated as well as the map can be panned sidewards only to a certain extent.



 scale is visible


 scale is not visible (default)

Enabling this feature displays a scale in the bottom left corner, always showing kilometers and miles.
It is useful for estimating distances on the map, especially if no background map is activated.



 unit for distances, number from 0 to 3 (default is 1)

Defines the measure unit used in the NPGeoMap object.

0 = meters
1 = kilometers (standard)
2 = miles
3 = feet

Units for all further calculated distance and area information in NPGeoMap can be generally configured in the fx‑EXTENDED SETTINGS.


GoogleMaps, Here, BingMaps, MapBox

This section is for setting your keys and IDs for the respective tile server provider to display Background Maps.

Please note that the usage of external Tile Servers like Google Maps is always bound to their respective Terms and Conditions - make sure that the use is permitted in your environment.

» Tip: Configure custom default values for your keys and IDs.
Therefore create a text file inside the NPGeoMap subfolder "\defaults" and name it after the respective setting (like: "googlemaps.key.txt") - see screenshot on the right. The content of this file will be used as a default value for that setting in both existing and new added NPGeoMap objects. 
At the time keys and IDs for the Tile Server Providers Google, Here, Bing and Mapbox are supported.

click to expand

click to expand


Tile Server Provider of GoogleMaps is Google.



used API version of GoogleMaps

Allows to use a specific API version of GoogleMaps.


Due to a change of the Google Maps APIs on 22nd of June 2016 (see official Google announcement), this feature is no longer supported.


your GoogleMaps Key

Your GoogleMaps key.

set custom default value

GoogleMaps can only be used with a valid API key - see tutorial "How to create a GoogleMaps API key".

Further information about GoogleMaps key:



your GoogleMaps channel

Used to provide additional report details within Google Maps API Console by grouping different channels in your reports separately.
Further information about GoogleMaps channel:



your GoogleMaps Client ID

Further information about GoogelMaps Client ID:



Tile server provider of BingMaps is Microsoft.


your BingMaps Key

see further details on the right

set custom default value

For detailed information about accessibility and the terms of use for BingMaps key please go to:


This Backgroundmap can't be displayed in NPGeoMap without a valid key.


MapBox is a platform that offers to create and design individual maps, such as defining own colors for streets or terrain.
For detailed information about accessibility, creating own maps and the terms of use for MapBox go to mapbox.com


your Mapbox access token

see further details on the right

set custom default value

In order to use Mapbox you need set here a valid Mapbox accesstoken. Have a quick look on our Tutorial How to get a Mapbox Access Token.



your MapBox ID

see further details on the right

set custom default value

You can use predefined maps from Mapbox like: mapbox.light, mapbox.dark and more: mapbox.com/api-documentation/#maps

click to expand

click to expand

click to expand

click to expand


your style URL

see further details on the right

Set here custom created styles, and use the format: mapbox://styles/xxx/aasddad8004asdhzggaad4


The Tile Server Provider HERE (former Nokia) supports many map features - see below - and provides the usage of Isochrones in NPGeoMap.


your HERE code

see further details on the right

set custom default value


your HERE ID

see further details on the right

set custom default value.

For detailed information about accessibility, terms of use and further features for HERE please go to:


This Backgroundmap can't be displayed in NPGeoMap without valid appcode and appid.







feature enabled


feature disabled

These features affect the appearance of the HERE Backgroundmap dislpayed in NPGeoMap.

displays points of interest on the map, like hospitals, parks, museums, Restaurants,...

displays routes and stations of public transport (screenshot)

shows possible restrictions for trucks on the road

appearance in dark colors (screenshot)

appearance in shades of gray

click to expand

click to expand



In this section you can configure local or external tile server or embed local tiles.




lokal tiles (default)


 tiles come from a server

Information for the program where to look for the image files / tiles - either the files are stored locally or provided by a tile server.

If the files are locally stored, they have to be located within the NPGeoMap extension directory.

The advantage of local tiles is to use a background map without the need of a working internet connection.


directory path

tile location, local and server

Fill in the location where your tiles are stored - either the local file path or the URL of your tile server.
In case of a tile server, several locations can be filled in.

url - local tiles

Local files have to be located within the NPGeoMap extension directory.
In the fx‑editor just replace the part tiles with the file path (see screenshot on the right).

click to expand

click to expand

The part "variables" in the screenshot is a standard declaration for tile server images ({z} stands for the zoom level folder, {x} for the folder with the x-axis values and {y} for the y-axis files).
Please note, that the tiles have to be saved as .jpg files.

{"local": true, "url": "MyTileFolder\\${z}\\${x}\\${y}.jpg"}
Attention with the backslash: URL paths go with a regular slash / local paths are separated with a backslash \ .

url - tile server

In case of using a tile server just replace the whole part between the quotation marks ("tiles\${z}\${x}\${y}.jpg") with your tile server URL. Usually the tile server providers supply several URLs - you can list them all here (including the part with the feature local) separated with a comma.
Example using one URL:
{"local": false, "url": "http://a.tile.opencyclemap.org/cycle/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"}
Example using mulitple URLs:
{"local": false, "url": "http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"},
{"local": false, "url": "http://otile2.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"},
{"local": false, "url": "http://otile3.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"}



 tiles are Mercator projection (default)


 tiles are not Mercator projection

Mercator is a kind of map projection, which brings the 3D globe of earth to a 2D map - for detailed information go to chapter "Coordinates - Maps - Geodata".

Specify here if the used tiles are a Mercator projection or not.
If you're not sure about the projection of your tiles, have a look at these web pages:





 number of zoom levels, that should be used by NPGeoMap (default is 15)

Number of zoom levels provided by your tiles.

Since all tiles of a whole world map in all zoom levels are a impossible amount to be stored, especially local tiles will always be limited to a certain area and maybe even to a number of zoom levels. To prevent displaying "missing background" (the infamous pink tiles - see screenshot on the right), you can restrict zooming with this feature, by setting the maximum provided zoom level (zoom level 0 shows the whole world).
Additional you can combine that with the feature MapBoundaries below, to even restrict the geographical area, the user cannot leave by zooming or panning the map.

I addition by use of the feature minZoom in the ZOOM LEVEL DEFINITION you can set the outer most zoom value.

click to expand

click to expand




Defines an geographical area, the user cannot leave by zooming or panning the map. This feature is very useful to provide access only for areas of existing tiles.



 enables the feature


 disables the feature (default)

Enables or disables the feature.



 limiting coordinates

Here you can define the certain geographical area, in which the map can be moved by panning.
Without further settings you can still zoom in every level - as soon as the zoom level shows more than the defined area, no more panning is possible.

In combination with the feature zoomlevels above, a three-dimensional limited sphere can be created, by even restricting the zoom levels for the user. In this way no more pink tiles (see screenshot) would be displayed on the map, in case of missing tile images.

click to expand

click to expand

There are two pairs of numbers/coordinates by default, each contains Latitude and Longitude separated by a comma. The first coordinates define the upper left corner of the certain area and the second ones the bottom right corner.
Just replace these coordinates with your own ones.

You can get them for instance by right clicking in GoogleMaps and choosing "What's here?" in the context menu - the coordinates will then be displayed in the upper left corner.
 "47.938097, 17.258966", (upper left corner)
 "47.286348, 9.370783" (bottom right corner)